AJAX is all the rage these days, but web applications written in AJAX are really nothing more than a version of the client/server pattern. Unlike traditional ("Web 1.0") webapp development, developers now have to be more conscious about the distinct roles of the AJAX client and the HTTP web server. Web servers now often take on the role of just serving static content and raw data for the rich client to push onto the user interface.
So, developers constantly switch back and forth between client and server code. These two separate codebases are often written in different languages and have their own engineering constraints. Both require extensive testing, documentation, and refactoring.
A core principle of agile development is that "You aren't Gonna Need It" (YAGNI). That is, writing software that has no immediate purpose but "may" be useful soon is not worth writing. Code should only be written for a clear and imminent need.
This is a powerful principal, and can be applied to many aspects of development beyond coding. Instead of switching tools or platforms, for example, it's important to ask yourself if there is a clear immediate need!
YAGNI and Mock Objects
A increasingly popular technique for doing Test-Driven Development involves Mock Objects. Summarized, by developing software from the "top-down", mocking out the innards of yet-to-be-written classes, you often will write working code with less bugs. Really, this is yet another consequence of remembering YAGNI! By mocking out dependent parts of the system that have not yet been implemented, you end up with just what you *actually* need instead of extra things you *think* you may have needed.
This is a really condensed explanation, I'd urge you to read more about this via the Endo-Testing Paper and the BDD wiki.
When you apply the same thinking of YAGNI and Mock Objects to the client-server model of AJAX, you realize there's a very big thing that might become a Mock Object: the HTTP server!
"You're not going to need the server?" you say? Well, that's not totally true, but we shouldn't be forced to write nearly as much server code as we do.
An AJAX (or Flex, Silverlight, or OpenLaszlo) app needs to have a server running behind the scenes to pull data from. This can muck up iterative development; for large features we have to work from the bottom-up: modify the database schema, update the model tier, update the controller tier, update the views. This is a lot of time spent just to get to the point where we can try to "see" the new feature in the client.
Much like Mock Object testing lets us mock away objects that don't yet exist, what if we could mock the non-existent server while we write the client? We could then iteratively build and test client features without having to dive into server code. This is the same motivation for Mock Objects, and follows from YAGNI -- why bother writing code for the server before we are sure we need it?
Making a Mock of the Server
So, how do you mock a web server? You could, for example, write a little ruby program that responds to HTTP requests with fixture data. But, how do you translate the calls in your client to go to the fixture data? What if there are complex query parameters? Complexity creeps in; building a mock web server at first glance seems to be not worth the effort.
Well, we've got one more trick up our sleeve: REST.
What is REST?
REST is a style of building web services. I'm not going to explain it in depth here (read this book!) but I will mention what aspects of it are important to understand here.
The first element of a RESTful service that is important is that URLs are truly stateless. The service can not rely upon cookies, server state, or even authentication information to determine the content of a URL. Each URL corresponds to one or more representations of a resource. A resource could be "the list of names invited to a party" and the representation could be "the XML format needed for import into Outlook."
In REST, no matter who looks at the URL or what they loaded beforehand, the data at a URL doesn't change until the resource does. For example, /parties/123/invites.xml would have the same content regardless of who or when it is accessed, until the invitations themselves change.
Query parameter variables become rare as you build a RESTful service. URLs become richer and structured around the resources your service is responsible for.
Secondly, REST limits the number of operations you can perform on a resource to GET/PUT/POST/DELETE (and occasionally HEAD.) Instead of introducing custom operations on a resource beyond these, the service should instead evolve to expose new resources. For example, if we want a way to invite a user, a non-RESTFUL design would have a HTTP POST include a variable with "command=invite". A RESTful approach would expose an "invitations" resource, which someone could POST to in order to create an invitation for a user.
There are lots of reasons you should design RESTfully, but I am going to now finally explain how it can help building client-server web applications.
Client-First Development
Now for the main observation of this post:
If you commit to designing a web service RESTfully, you can stub out the service directly on the file system. Your client can then access these static files exactly the same as the real service, until it is built.
Web servers, out of the box, will expose the file system as RESTful URLs. Now, ignoring POST/PUT/DELETE, it should be clear that you can stub out data for a truly RESTful service directly on the file system.
When you put this all together, you get what I am calling Client-First Development. By committing to REST, and building a RIA, your development process can change into the following cycle:
- Decide upon a new feature/bug fix.
- Add or update fixture files for the REST service on disk.
- Update and unit test the client to use the new features of the REST service.
- Iterate, refining fixture data (the mocked representation and resources) and the client.
- Once happy with the client, write the server code & unit tests.
- Write an integration test with the working server and client.
In practice, it's helpful to have two local hostnames or a subdirectory called "static" that will always serve up the static data so you can freely use the client with both. When the client starts up it simply needs to be told where to get the data, the URL might point to a 'real' web service or simply the root of a static directory on the server.
Tips and Tricks
I've found this to be an incredibly useful way to develop RIAs in a YAGNI fashion. By mocking out parts of my RESTful service on the file system as I build the client I am able to prototype the client without writing server code. I write the server code once I am happy with my client code and fixture data's representation of my resources.
One final question is how do you test non-GET operations using this technique? I simply log these operations for manual review for correctness. (Don't forget, integration testing is still necessary.) The side effects of a POST/PUT/DELETE are determined by the server, so the client can usually be built and tested without relying upon them. This works for me, but YMMV.
In conclusion, I think this synergy between REST and RIA is one that can greatly decrease the amount of cruft added to web services, by forcing you to build only what you need: if the client doesn't need it, then YAGNI!
1 comment:
i'm using this approach with an app I'm currently making (using flex and rails) and it's worked out well. Rails conventions for restful urls help make this process smooth.
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